Saturday, July 13, 2019



by Gavin D McCall, Independent Researcher (Gulf Breeze, FL)

YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Google and Twitter - The Hydra - Censors and Bans All Free And Independent Thought

As an independent researcher and NNMCP coordinator, actively using word-of-mouth to promote freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, within the territorial boundaries of the United States of America, as a free U.S. citizen, I am appalled by what has happened to our trusted and beloved brother-in-arms, NNMCP reporter and founder of this very movement, where there is no one person in charge, where every person who assembles, critiques, and criticizes information, within our rights, defined in the very constitution of our great land, METAL of the true heavy metal American band, Forever's End, and the author and owner of the YouTube channel MetalSays, was de-platformed from the popular socialist media websites that have taken hostage the consciousness of the American public and the rest of the world.


Markus Daimeion I, known musician, singer and bass player, and lover of life, goes by the name METAL, a title given to him as a child, for various reasons, now an established, prolific underground musician, someone who never abandoned the mission of the music for money, used and trusted YouTube for over 13 years, as a place, a platform, to disseminate love and music to whomever happens upon his channel: MetalSays.  Well, as of June 2019, METAL has joined the ranks of several free thinking, freedom loving, individuals who have been outright banned from social(-ist) media websites. 
After serving the public for decades, and publishing thousands of videos, an estimated terrabyte of videos online, YouTube, after an update to their community standards, suspiciously render the MetalSays channel inoperable.  This was within weeks of being deplatformed, in absentia, in some cases, from websites like Facebook and Twitter.  You used to be able to find thousands of these videos, homemade by METAL himself, an effort that took a commitment for years.  Also, Metal never monetized any of his videos, in all these years.  (

Did YouTube have a personal vendetta against Metal for not compromising the integrity of his gifts to the public?  Generating massive amounts of user-generated-data, is the whole point of the socialist media companies drawing in the public for this political game.  They are now using the communications apparatus against the very people they rely on for their gains.  They are cannibalizing themselves!

Can find Metal on his new web-presence, albeit, possibly temporary, you never know these days.  The stupid addage, 'what happens on the Internet, stays on the Internet' doesn't really apply, does it?
Look for our favorite NNMCP reporter on


Only in a very real, communistic, Orwellian style dystopian now can something like what we are witnessing occur.  We the people, NNMCP independent reporters, were following the story of the mass social media shadow banning occurring to all conservative thought.  We also witnessed the breaking of the Google search and YouTube search engines as they were attempting to filter out the conservative discourse from their results.  NNMCP was reporting on weather phenomenon, earthquakes, social disorder, entertainment, and home videos for over 13 years, and 99.99 percent of these reports were made by the above mentioned, MetalSays channel.  Since Metal was publishing very detailed videos about his shadow banning and censorship from YouTube, it was only natural that the community guidelines would be updated and blanket statements used to categorize Metal's 13 years of content as being not good for the YouTube community.  In the meantime, you can find lots of inappropriate material on YouTube, that obviously goes against the principles outlined in the community guidelines.  For instance, look at all the rap music that advocates the abuse of women and selling drugs to kids?  These concerns, the voice of the popular MetalSays channel, can no longer be found as well over 6,000 videos and 13 years of work have been memory holed from the Internet.

Banning MetalSays from YouTube virtually erased thousands of NNMCP report videos and hundreds of playlists of bipartisan media.

Although our brother-in-arms may be fighting the good fight, and we inevitably lose some along the way, we can rest assured that is has always been, we the people, that carry on the good fight in their names.  It's funny how some alternative media sources seem to be focused on their bottom line more than the cause.  NNMCP has always supported sources outside the mainstream, including those like Prison Planet, and InfoWars.  We first encountered Alex Jones on the street by one of his unpaid street team, releasing DVD ROM burned copies of his Prison Planet documentaries.  This was several years after we had already had a web presence of some form.  We all have been canaries in the mine during the last year and a half that the shadow banning become stronger and more focused.  It was easy to see that big media tech companies were coming under pressure and fire by their investors to do something about the dropping number of users, people fleeing their platforms for a real life in the real world, instead of perpetual self indulgence in the virtual reality that has become socialist media.  The fact of the matter is, YouTube, in just a matter of a click, was able to take out thousands of NNMCP videos, undoing over a decade of research and 1st Amendment protected speech.  This should be a clear indication to anybody with reasonable judgment that using their platform is at your own peril, because, at anytime they can step in and switch off all of your intellectual property that you have showcased on their medium.  This is, of course, is not limited to your own intellectual property, but that which you chose to criticize and produce feedback on, per your rights as a U.S. citizen.  Is big tech media moving toward a universal, non-national, globalist agenda?  After all, the United States of America is still the only country in the world that has Freedom of Speech.  We are hanging on to the last burning embers of the fire of liberty.


Having been deplatformed from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and censored on Google, my constituents of the NNMCP, and I, like METAL, are abandoning these socialist media websites for ones that do not censor our political views.  The problem is, we don't want to mingle just with our own kind.  The power of sites like YouTube, was you could get both sides of the argument.  Now, the virtual Internet is going to be left to one side or the other, where their social media hubs will become echo chambers with no free independent thought, making the memes of 4chan true....they will be NPCs and any dissent or sedition will be erased, removed, snuffed out of existence.  The most striking thing about the overt banning of politically center and conservative voices from socialist media is this all culminated before the Democratic debates for the 2020 US Presidential campaign.  At the same time the outright banning is occurring, the US President Donald J. Trump, holds a meeting at the capitol about social media censorship.  President Trump admitted to having the same symptoms of other social media users, mainly prominent centrist and conservative outspoken free thinkers.  It's starting to look like the public and its chief representative or on to what's happening across the mainstream and the multi-headed tech hydra, that METAL himself described in his videos about the Mark of the Beast.

NNMCP Report - SkunkHunt Edition TO DEBUT ON

You read it here, first.  The whole purpose of the SkunkHunt channel on Brighteon is to feature the NNMCP Report - SkunkHunt Edition, which has more than recently abandoned its post on YouTube.
Due to the reasonable restraints imposed by content creators on Brighteon, the playlists on the NNMCP channel (SkunkHunt) will rely on this newly growing platform to provide a way to deliver SkunkHunt Edition type NNMCP reports.  These, ideally, would be one to two hour videos digesting news trends happening in the last two to four weeks.  As it stands, NNMCP is featured every Sunday on Ancient Humans with Gavin McCall, a radio show at 7pm to 9pm central time, 8pm-10pm EST, on Revolution.Radio Studio A.

In light of recent events, within the last week of the posting of this very article, my website on Revolution.Radio for my radio show, Ancient Humans, has been virtually wiped out.  I'm told that this was a hacking of the main website which is has returned/regressed to a previous state before the Ancient Humans website was hosted there.  Therefore, I am returning to my original blog space and hoping that I won't be banned from there.  The website link was

I will try to maintain a presence on the back up Ancient Humans website at

 Ancient Humans with Gavin McCall


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