Free Speech Zone

USA!The First Amendment to the US ConstitutionUSA!
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
The First Amendment contains five basic rights and is a freedom that US Citizens enjoy. However, with this in mind, the United States of America is the only country on the Earth that allows for the freedom of speech.  The U.S. Constitution is a powerful document and notes basic human rights that it can only implore within the jurisdictional boundaries of the United States.  Sadly, the U.S.A. does not function as a global government.  It would probably be in the interest of the people of other countries to adopt the freedom of speech as law.

The First Amendment does not protect all speech, but it protects speech for all U.S. Citizens.  The can be government sanctions for false speech, such as, defamation or libel.  The government may not restrict speech that is truthful or expresses an opinion.

Since the drafting of the Bill of Rights, the Freedom of Press has solidified almost as a fourth branch of the government.  A few supreme court cases have solicited the rights of the press.  (NY Times v. Sullivan, Pentagon Papers)

The NNMCP was founded in the United States of America, but we hope for all people of the Earth, that their basic human rights will be realized in their own countries.  Anyone can be a member of the NNMCP if it is legal within their own country to do so.  It's very simple.  All you have to do is start submitted videos or writing articles and publish content that reports on what you see or experience in your own neighborhood and locality.  NNMCP is we the people.

The Editors of the NNMCP blog will never censor content based on political views or opinions of the contributor.  We are proud of our belief in Freedom of Speech and basic human right to express oneself.  We might censor material that we deem is inappropriate or nonsensical, but whenever possible will allow for everyone to have a voice, regardless.

Why is the Freedom of Speech so important?

You think it would be self-explanatory.  The very basic freedom of speech is probably what allows the U.S.A. to remain a country of sovereign individuals.  We should note here the reasons for this right to be supported for everyone.  The freedom of speech protects your ideas, values, ethics, morals and more.  Whatever you believe, the freedom of speech is an intellectual shield.  The freedom of speech is a protection against government tyranny.  In the US, the government is formed by the people.  It stands to figure that no person should hold more rights than any other person.  Especially, in this case, a government agent.  The government works for the citizens, not the other way around.  The freedom of speech also refers to the protection to not get involved.  Like the right to stay silent.  The freedom of speech allows for dismantling and debating of bad ideas.  Dissenting opinions are important to democratic republicans.  The freedom of speech is a wonderful thing because through conversation we can promote good ideas and debunk bad ones.  Another great thing about the freedom of speech is the ability to correct the record.  When wrong information is published, it is critical, to be allowed to make a record of the mistake.  It is important to recognize that the freedom of speech is powerful to every other value that we seek.  Other amendments, like gun rights, women's rights, and privacy rights are supported through the freedom of speech.  This is just to name a few, of course, as it is the nature of the U.S. Constitution to make way for all possible rights, including ones that we have not discovered yet.  The constitution was designed to free us more than limit us.  Imagine, where would we be without all the free thinkers?  It seems like all our basic freedoms are under attack!  If you aren't allowed to voice your thoughts, then you aren't really a free thinker, are you?  Fighting for freedom of speech seems to make sense, too, when you consider all the people that have fought and died to support this just and humane cause.


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