Wednesday, July 24, 2019

NNMCP Digest for 7/23/2019

(NNMCP Digest for 7/23/2019)

Netflix Sheds $24 Billion in Value in Six Days After Growth Miss
By: The Hollywood Reporter
"Netflix's disappointing quarter reported last Wednesday has caused the streaming darling of Wall Street to shed more than $24 billion in value in six days as the stock has sunk 15 percent.
Shares of Netflix have now fallen each of the last nine trading days, as the stock began its downfall even before it released its quarterly financial report, which indicated it lost subscribers in the U.S. for the first time since launching its streaming service nearly a decade ago."

Opposition rallies as Venezuela blackout eases in some areas
By: Yahoo! News
"Venezuela's opposition on Tuesday sought to harness anger over a massive blackout that deepened hardship nationwide, but turnout at a Caracas demonstration was relatively modest as many Venezuelans despair of an imminent solution to their plight.  Lights came back on in parts of the capital and other areas of Venezuela overnight following a nearly nine-hour outage that the government blamed on an "electromagnetic attack" against the power grid, without providing any evidence. Government opponents say years of mismanagement and corruption were to blame."

Justice Department to Open Broad, New Antitrust Review of Big Tech Companies
By: The Wall Street Journal
"The Justice Department is opening a broad antitrust review into whether dominant technology firms are unlawfully stifling competition, adding a new Washington threat for companies such as Facebook Inc., Google, Inc. and Apple Inc.  The review is geared toward examining the practices of online platforms that dominate internet search, social media and retail services, the department said, confirming the review shortly after The Wall Street Journal reported it.  The new antitrust inquiry under Attorney General William Barr could ratchet up the already considerable regulatory pressures facing the top U.S. tech firms."

Journalist Travels to Ilhan Omar’s Homeland to Prove Somalia is Beautiful, Gets Killed by Terrorists
By:  Summit News
"A journalist traveled to Ilhan Omar’s homeland of Somalia to challenge stereotypes and prove the country was “beautiful,” only to end up being killed by terrorists. Before President Trump’s tweetstorm in which he encouraged Omar to go back and fix her own country, Somali-Canadian journalist Hodan Nalayeh was trying to do precisely that.  Nalayeh returned to the country of her birth to tell “uplifting” stories about Somalia, according to the Washington Post."

No More Wikileaks! Intelligence Authorization Bill Criminalizes Whistleblowers And Reporters
By:  Ron Paul Liberty Report
"This year’s Intelligence Authorization bill contains language drafted by the CIA itself designed to make it a criminal act to reveal the name of undercover agents whether stationed overseas or at home, whether working or retired.  The measure is designed – in the CIA’s own words – to prevent the kind of transparency that was provided by Wikileaks. It is a war on the free press!"

Google street teams are buying people's facial biometrics for a $5.00 gift card
By: ZDNet
"As Google works on a version of Face ID for its next Pixel phone, its employees are stopping people in public places and enticing them with a $5 gift card."

Intelligence act will protect CIA agents who ‘commit war crimes,’ whistleblower Kiriakou tells RT
By: RT
"A new US bill would make it illegal to reveal the identity of a covert agent, even after their retirement or death, if it becomes law. Former CIA officer, and whistleblower, John Kiriakou told RT that it will protect wrongdoers. The 2020 Intelligence Authorization bill passed the US House of Representatives last week, and will become law once agreed upon by the House and Senate. Aside from funding the US’ intelligence agencies for the forthcoming year, a provision in the act would dramatically expand a 1982 law that makes it a criminal offense to disclose the identities of covert officers."

Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg’s Fake Accounts Ponzi Scheme
By: Naked Capitalism
"Facebook now has a market capitalization approaching $600 billion, making it nominally one of the most valuable companies on earth.  It’s a true business miracle: a company that was out of users in 2012 managed to find a wellspring of nearly infinite and sustained growth that has lasted it, so far, half of the way through 2019. So what is that magical ingredient, that secret sauce, that “genius” trade secret, that turned an over-funded money-losing startup into one of America’s greatest business success stories?  It’s one that Bernie Madoff would recognize instantly: fraud, in the form of fake accounts."

Huawei Secretly Built North Korea’s Wireless Network
On Monday, the Washington Post reported that Huawei had been secretly working in North Korea on various communication projects, including building and maintaining the country’s wireless network. Huawei’s work has been in direct violation of the sanctions imposed on North Korea because of its nuclear weapons activity. The revelations are going to increase worries in the West about the trustworthiness of the Chinese communication giant, and would provide more evidence to support the conclusions of Western intelligence services that Huawei serves the interests of the Chinese government and China’s intelligence services.

New York families band together to sue state for eliminating religious exemptions for vaccinations
By: Natural News
"Not content with allowing their medical freedoms to be steamrolled by the Big Pharma mafia, a group of 55 families in New York is reportedly suing the state over its repeal of laws protecting religious exemptions from mandatory vaccination.  The lawsuit, which was filed on July 10, petitions the New York State Supreme Court to reverse a bill that was signed into law on June 13 by Andrew “Infanticide” Cuomo that repeals the religious exemption clause from the state’s vaccination policies.  The 55 plaintiffs, which include Christians, Jewish, and Muslim families, say that taking away religious exemptions from vaccination violates their First Amendment rights. "

California’s nuclear power plants found to be sitting on top of a massive supervolcano filled with 240 cubic miles of magma
By:  Natural News
"Right smack dab underneath the Naval Air Weapons Station in China Lake, California, where a pair of larger earthquakes struck on July 4th and 5th, respectively, sits a new “supervolcano” that a whistleblower from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) warns is brewing with 240 cubic miles of potentially ready-to-erupt magma.  According to the whistleblower, this hidden magma chamber below China Lake, which was only just recently discovered, is far larger even than Yellowstone, which bodes ominous for the future of California, including the handful of nuclear power facilities that sit above it in multiple locales throughout the state."

The number of global earthquakes is three times above normal
By:  Nexusnewsfeed

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