Saturday, August 3, 2019

We Have A Problem Here

Our Freedoms Are Under Attack

We have a serious problem in the United States of America.  Our common law, our freedoms, allow US Citizens to say some very stupid things.  Unfortunately, we have to admit that our country has a lot of really stupid people.  This is due, invariably, to our education system in the great US of A as it is broken and needs repair.  The US Constitution grants us rights to say stupid things, but as it is occurring in the mainstream media today, everything is spun by virtue of blatant partisan pseudo-journalism.   Op-eds have become the means to transfer stupidity instantly into the gelatin-like mass between the ears of some very gullible people.  Our country protects its citizens by giving the power to them.  We are masters of our destiny.  Ultimately, our freedom of speech supports free thought and you are allowed to assume whatever you like.  It is absolutely imperative that individual sovereign rights are protected.  Especially, the right to look like a complete idiot and demonstrate that you are a dummy.  However, it is not okay, to slander individuals with sovereign rights, nor to damage their property and hurt their livelihood.  Obvious, proud Americans, are not the audience I'm concerned with.  I love everyone of my fellow citizens, but I love you people the most.  You already know what I'm talking about.  It's the rest of the country that should heed these words and try to have empathy, try to understand what I'm saying.  You are spinning your wheels if you continue to speak as a fascist or communist or socialist in a country designed to prevent such broken systems from ever taking hold.  Our system is broken already, but it works better than any in the world.  It is a known fact that there are millions of communists, a subset which are mostly ethnically Latin, that live in the USA.  They have parades and protests, but they are never mentioned in the mainstream media except maybe at local news stations.  By the way, you look really silly when you disgrace the flag or try to use the rule of law to suppress the rights of US Citizens.  And to the Antifa, you look really dumb destroying public property when your rights as US Citizens would be better served seeking an address of grievances from the government.  That is also a protected right described within the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
With all the chaos reigning in the socialist media techno-sphere, that has the mass dummies hypnotized into mind numbing trance, it's a wonder why people are truly more anti-social than ever.  All of the socialist media companies that have been using and abusing their user-generated content creators since the beginning of their implementation.  And it is these same socialist media companies that are unfairly and unlawfully censoring and terminating user accounts en masse without just or explanation.  Simultaneously, these same companies are under heavy investigation for their crimes against the public and also for allowing snuff and pedophilic material to be shared on their networks, as well as child bride auctions!  No wonder that millions of people are hopping offline, abandoning those networks in droves.  As the advertisement revenue plummets, the different heads of the techno beast shall be severed until they are all cut, slaying the technological hydra that threatens us since it's inception, corruption, and rise to power.  The power the beast has over us is power that we give it.  The people have always had it.  It's time to turn it off. Disconnect.  Go outside.


Thursday, August 1, 2019

Brighteon is new and a work in progress

Since we (the contributors of NNMCP) recently were taken out of some popular socialist media websites, like YouTube, we've moved around to find a better place to publish our videos and interact with our friends, family, and fans. Our friend, and chief contributor, Markus Daimeion I, has started a new channel on Brighteon...however, with some problems. As is, Brighteon is a new video publishing platform that is considered a free speech zone.

Support METAL by going to the official MetalSays Brighteon Channel.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

NNMCP Digest for 7/23/2019

(NNMCP Digest for 7/23/2019)

Netflix Sheds $24 Billion in Value in Six Days After Growth Miss
By: The Hollywood Reporter
"Netflix's disappointing quarter reported last Wednesday has caused the streaming darling of Wall Street to shed more than $24 billion in value in six days as the stock has sunk 15 percent.
Shares of Netflix have now fallen each of the last nine trading days, as the stock began its downfall even before it released its quarterly financial report, which indicated it lost subscribers in the U.S. for the first time since launching its streaming service nearly a decade ago."

Opposition rallies as Venezuela blackout eases in some areas
By: Yahoo! News
"Venezuela's opposition on Tuesday sought to harness anger over a massive blackout that deepened hardship nationwide, but turnout at a Caracas demonstration was relatively modest as many Venezuelans despair of an imminent solution to their plight.  Lights came back on in parts of the capital and other areas of Venezuela overnight following a nearly nine-hour outage that the government blamed on an "electromagnetic attack" against the power grid, without providing any evidence. Government opponents say years of mismanagement and corruption were to blame."

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ancient Humans 7/21/2019

For Ancient Humans with Gavin McCall (7/21/2019)

Neuralink: The War Against Humanity Goes Mainstream
By: Greg Reese | INFOWARS.COM
Establishment wants to insert Number of the Beast tech straight into your cortex

Watch: V for Vaccine Damage Protest at Comic-Con 2019
Medical freedom! Forever

NNMCP Rollout Schedule

NNMCP: SkunkHunt Edition is going to roll out sometime in the next two weeks but in the meantime we have a schedule for NNMCP reports and digests to be published:

NNMCP Digest (Semi-daily)

We will post an article digest on the NNMCP Blog every other day about.  This will start sometime the week of 7/22/2019.  The articles are sourced from our favorite news publications, online and offline.

NNMCP: SkunkHunt Edition

The SkunkHunt Edition will be an hour to two hour prerecorded broadcast from the office of Gavin McCall, host of Ancient Humans with Gavin McCall on the Revolution Radio network.  SkunkHunt Edition will be candid and uncensored.  Will also include a special guest.  (This is not a live show.)

Will broadcast SkunkHunt Edition once a week.

NNMCP Roundtable

Will start conducting round table discussions on these news topics.  Maybe, on the Revolution Radio network, perhaps? We aren't exactly sure yet.  We would like to have one at least once a week.

NNMCP Segment on Ancient Humans (Weekly)

Every Sunday, 8pm-10pm EST, on Revolution Radio Studio A, Ancient Humans with Gavin McCall does a segment, usually first 30 minutes, on NNMCP news topics. 

More to come.

Monday, July 15, 2019

NNMCP Digest for 7/15/2019

(NNMCP Digest for 7/15/2019)

'If you're not happy here, then you can leave,' Trump said

By: Brietbart
Hollywood celebrities jumped on social media to rip President Donald Trump, who tweeted on Sunday saying leftist members of Congress should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

By: Paul Joseph Watson | INFOWARS.COM
Man behind firebomb attack invoked Ocasio-Cortez's "concentration camp" rhetoric in his manifesto

Dear Brighteon

By Gavin McCall, Independent Researcher (Gulf Breeze, FL)

A Story About User Friendliness In A Not-So-Friendly Social Media Landscape

We have recently taken up arms joining a mass exodus occurring from socialist media, mainly, user-generated content sites like the big tech, big data nightmare hydra that is the Google, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  The main interest in using these platforms to do anything, because most of what is done online is rather pointless anyway,

Saturday, July 13, 2019



by Gavin D McCall, Independent Researcher (Gulf Breeze, FL)

YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Google and Twitter - The Hydra - Censors and Bans All Free And Independent Thought

As an independent researcher and NNMCP coordinator, actively using word-of-mouth to promote freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, within the territorial boundaries of the United States of America, as a free U.S. citizen, I am appalled by what has happened to our trusted and beloved brother-in-arms, NNMCP reporter and founder of this very movement, where there is no one person in charge, where every person who assembles, critiques, and criticizes information, within our rights, defined in the very constitution of our great land, METAL of the true heavy metal American band, Forever's End, and the author and owner of the YouTube channel MetalSays, was de-platformed from the popular socialist media websites that have taken hostage the consciousness of the American public and the rest of the world.


Markus Daimeion I, known musician, singer and bass player, and lover of life, goes by the name METAL, a title given to him as a child, for various reasons, now an established, prolific underground musician, someone who never abandoned the mission of the music for money, used and trusted YouTube for over 13 years, as a place, a platform, to disseminate love and music to whomever happens upon his channel: MetalSays.  Well, as of June 2019, METAL has joined the ranks of several free thinking, freedom loving, individuals who have been outright banned from social(-ist) media websites.